This is the work-in-progress interface for using the BIASD tool. The objective of the BIASD tool is to represent strategies observed in natural systems for adapting to adverse internal and external events. The purpose of exploring these strategies is to inspire engineers to utilize some of the key aspects observed in nature to develop adaptive systems.

The current format of the tool is structured like a classification system where specific strategies follow a path of binary choices. Adaption is broadly defined as Continuing to provide value after an adverse event. This includes concepts such as resiliency and robustness. However, it also includes changing the underlying objectives of the system.

In the tool’s current form, there are over 100 different strategies that fall under four categories. By selecting a graph below, the parts of that strategy can be traced to specific instantiations of an adaptive strategy.


Replace Strategy Graph

To substitute a working component or subsystem in place of a faulty or damaged one.

Replace Strategy Graph


List of Replace-Based Strategies
  1. Mexican Axolotl, Ambystoma mexicanum
  2. Snapping Shrimp or Pistol Shrimp, Alpheus heterochelis
  3. Sea Cucumbers, Holothuria glaberrima
  4. Planarian, Planariidae
  5. Zebrafish, Danio rerio
  6. Stick insects, Sipyloidea sipylus
  7. Colonies of Temnothorax ants
  8. American Cockroach, Periplaneta americana
  9. Hairy Frog, Trichobatrachus robustus
  10. Brittle Stars, Amphuira filiformis
  11. Brown ghost knifefish, Apteronotus leptorhynchus
  12. Japanese Spiky Sea Cucumber, Apostichopus japonicus
  13. Common Octopus, Octopus vulgaris
  14. Deer, Cervidae
  15. Colonial Sea Squirt, Botrylloides leachi
  16. Painted turtle, Chrysemys picta
  17. Italian crested newt, Triturus carnifex
  18. Human, Homo sapiens
  19. Human, Homo sapiens
  20. Immortal jellyfish, Turritopsis nutricula
  21. Snail, Achatinoidea
  22. Zebrafish, Danio rerio
  23. Catfish, Siluriformes
  24. American alligator, Alligator mississippiensis
  25. Cichlid, Cichlidae
  26. Rat, Rattus
  27. Brown Hydra, Hydra oligactis
  28. Tropical clawed frog, Xenopus tropicalis
  29. Mammal, Mammalia
  30. North American Opossum, Didelphia virginiana
  31. Sea cucumbers, Holothuroidea
  32. Chinese Mystery Snail, Bellamya chinensis
  33. Humans, Homo sapiens
  34. Percival’s Spiny mouse, Acomys percivali
  35. Purple sea urchin, Paracentrotus lividus
  36. Noble Feather Star, Comanthina nobilis
  37. Antarctic brittle star, Ophionotus victoriae
  38. Fatty membranes of cells
  39. Eastern (Red-spotted) newt
  40. Hermann’s tortoise, Testudo hermanni
  41. Human, Homo sapiens
  42. Zebrafish, Danio rerio
  43. Pacific blood star, Henricia Leviuscula
  44. Underground storage swelling enables regeneration
  45. Freshwater pearl mussel, Margaritifera margaritifera
  46. Rabbits, Lepus curpaeums
  47. Killer whale, Orcinus orca
  48. Long-spined sea urchin, Diadema antillarum
  49. Zebrafish, Danio rerio
  50. Japanese sea lily, Metacrinus rotundus
  51. Human, Homo sapiens
  52. Cattle, Bos Taurus
  53. Senegal (gray) bichir, Polypterus senegalus
  54. Hair regrowth
  55. European lesser spotted dogfish, Scyliorhinus caniculus
  56. Rat, Rattus
  57. Chicken, Gallus gallus domesticus
  58. American bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana
  59. House mouse, Mus musculus
  60. Mexican Axolotl, Ambystoma mexicanum
  61. Mexican Axolotl, Ambystoma mexicanum
  62. Little skate, Leucoraja erinacea
  63. Rabbit, Lepus curpaeums
  64. Zebrafish, Danio rerio
  65. Zebrafish, Danio rerio
  66. Atlantic sand fiddler, Uca pugilator
  67. Zebrafish, Danio rerio
  68. Atlantic tomcod, Microgadus tomcod
  69. Japanese Spiky Sea Cucumber, Apostichopus japonicus
  70. Whitespotted Bamboo Shark, Chiloscyllium plagiosum
  71. Goldfish, Carassius auratus auratus
  72. Green Anole, Anolis carolinensis
  73. Rat, Rattus
  74. Laver spire snail, Hydrobia ulvae
  75. African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis
  76. Deepwater Spiny Dogfish, Centrophorus squamos
  77. Common leopard gecko, Eublepharis macularius
  78. Eastern (red-spotted) newt, Notophthalmus viridescens
  79. Japanese rice fish, Oryzias latipes
  80. Megarian Banded Centipede, Scolopendra cingulata
  81. American five-lined skink, Plestiodon fasciatus
  82. Chicken, Gallus gallus domesticus
  83. Common fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster
  84. Eastern (red-spotted) newt, Notophthalmus viridescens
  85. Chicken, Gallus gallus domesticus
  86. Oyster toadfish, Opsanus tau
  87. House mouse, Mus musculus
  88. Blackback land crab, Gecarcinus lateralis
  89. Catfish, Siluriformes
  90. Rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss
  91. Brown garden snail, Cornu aspersum
  92. Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus
  93. Pharaoh cuttlefish, Sepia pharaonis
  94. Snail fur, Hydractinia echinata
  95. Rusty crayfish, Orconectes rusticus
  96. Eastern glass lizard, Ophisaurus ventralis
  97. Star ascidian, Botryllus schlosseri
  98. Himalayan Newt, Tylototriton verrucosus
  99. Porcupine, Erethizon dorsatum
  100. Halechiniscus grevini
  101. Vityazicrinus petrachenkoi
  102. Shark, Leonodus carlsi
  103. Chicken, Gallus gallus domesticus
  104. Eastern (Red-spotted) newt, Notophthalmus viridescens
  105. California sea hare, Aplysia californica
  106. Black-ball sponge, Ircinia strobilina