Reprogram 1

Path followed:

1.   Are there any external resources that can be used by the mechanism?

Answer: No

2.   Are physical changes possible to the mechanism?

Answer: Yes

3.   Can other parts of the mechanism be used to minimize the effects of the fault?

Answer: Yes

4.   Is the fault due to changes in the environment?

Answer: No


1) Losing a limb and walking on less legs

After an animal looses a leg the animal has to learn to walk with one less leg. This means that the animal has to learn how to balance, walk, run, and other activities on his remaining legs. Those activities require the muscles, tendons, and ligaments to be strong and comfortable with the position that they will have to be in. The majority of an animalÕs muscles must become stronger including his other legs, abdomen, and chest. If these muscles do not grow the animal will be weak and stumble or be lopsided. The tendons and ligaments must become stronger as well because they will have to do more stabilizing of the other legs since the animal may be lopsided for a while. As the animal becomes stronger physically and emotionally it may start to balance properly like it would have done before it lost its leg. From experience animals are more prone to forget that they had more legs and go back to their normal activities the day after the loss, whereas humans can be more dramatic.