Repurpose 10

Path followed:

1.   Are there any external resources used?

      Answer: No

2.   Can the component maintain the same role in the mechanism/system once it is fixed?

      Answer: No

3.   Does the adaptation change the characteristics of the system?

Answer: Yes


10) Parrotfish, Scaridae

Parrotfish can be found in the tropical waters of the Caribbean Sea and Atlantic Ocean (Cox, Ashley). Parrotfish are not only known for their beautiful display of colors but they are also capable of changing their gender due to environment changes. If the only male in the school of fish were to die then the largest female would go through the physiological changes to become a male (Cox, Ashley). They could also change genders to be able to better repopulate the school if they donÕt have high numbers of fish. Finally they can change genders due to chemical pollutants in the environment. Male fish have been found to start producing oocytes instead of sperm in their testes and can even change genders completely (Cox, Ashley). The mechanisms and hormonal cues that help parrotfish from changing genders is still unclear but researchers are still looking into it. They believe that the changes are linked to social
interactions which are the start of the sex change (Cox, Ashley). After it is started researchers believe that certain hormones and genes could be linked to
help the fish change color, size, and reproductive organs. Once the animal has changed to the opposite sex the reproductive organs will somehow start to produce the appropriate gametes.

Cox, Ashley. “Sex Change- Taking It To The Fishes.” Sex Change. Science 2.0, 21 Nov. 2008. Web. Retrieved March 4, 2015, from