Replace 80

Path followed:

1.   Is the fault in the components that perform any physical action?

Answer: No

2.   Is the faulty component part of the mechanism’s body?

Answer: No

3.   Is the faulty component in the fuel system?

Answer: Yes

4.   Is the fault in the fuel filtration system?

Answer: No

5.   Is the fault in the components responsible for transporting the fuel?

Answer: No


80) Japanese Spiky Sea Cucumber, Apostichopus japonicus

Japanese Spiky Sea Cucumbers are found in the Northwest Pacific ocean. It is currently on the Endangered species act after being exploited for its meat (Hamel & Mercier). They have the ability to regenerate respiratory trees in their body if they were eviscerated or damaged.

After the sea cucumber eviscerates or damages its respiratory trees they will undergo regeneration. Cells from the coelomic and luminal epithelia of the cloaca would dedifferentiate and migrate to the spot of re-differentiation. Peritoneocytes migrated as a united layer while myoepithelial cells disaggregated and migrated as individual cells (Dolmatov & Ginanova). It was also found that the myoepithelial cells did not proliferate during regeneration, whereas peritoneocytes did proliferate (Dolmatov & Ginanova). Once these cells migrated the myoepithelial cells would form the contractile system of the respiratory trees and the cloaca lining cells would form the luminal epithelium (Dolmatov & Ginanova). The regeneration of the respiratory trees allows the sea cucumber to breathe and survive.

Hamel, J.-F. & Mercier, A. 2013. Apostichopus japonicus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.3. Web. 15 Dec. 2014.

Dolmatov, I. Y., and T. T. Ginanova. “Post-autotomy Regeneration of Respiratory Trees in the Holothurian Apostichopus Japonicus (Holothuroidea, Aspidochirotida).” Cell and Tissue Research 336.1 (2009): 41-58. NCBI. Web. 15 Dec. 2014.