Replace 38

Path followed:

1.   Is the fault in the components that perform any physical action?

       Answer: No

2.   Is the faulty component part of the mechanism’s body?

Answer: No

3.   Is the faulty component in the fuel system?

Answer: Yes

4.   Is the fault in the fuel filtration system?

       Answer: Yes

5.   Is the fault in the fuel filtration components?

Answer: Yes

6.   Is the fault in the components responsible for removing fuel consumption by products?

Answer: Yes

7.   Can other parts of the mechanism be used to minimize the effect of the fault?

       Answer: No

8.   Is any debris cleared from the damaged area?

       Answer: No


38) Humans, Homo sapiens

In recent years there have scientists researching more about the kidney and its regenerative, or lack there of, abilities. Some scientists have found that the kidney can regenerate damaged portions of itself through cellular repair. Bone marrow-derived cells (BMDC) have been found to migrate to the kidney, proliferate and transdifferentiate into the certain cells needed to repair the kidney (Little). They differentiate into tubular epithelial cells that rebuild the structure of the kidney (Little). Mesangial cells are also produced by the BMDCs and create the smooth tissues around the blood vessels in the kidney (Little). The surrounding good cells have also been shown to contribute to the regenerative process in acute damaged areas by proliferating and increasing the kidney mass. This type of repair allows the kidney to be scar-free and work properly, although if there is chronic injury the damage will turn into scarring and functional loss that cannot be undone.

Little, Melissa H. “Regrow or Repair: Potential Regenerative Therapies for the Kidney.” Journal of the American Society17.9 (2006): 2390-401. JASN. Web. 3 Dec. 2014.