Replace 20

Path followed:

1.   Is the fault in the components that perform any physical action?

       Answer: No

2.   Is the faulty component part of the mechanism’s body?

Answer: No

3.   Is the faulty component in the fuel system?

Answer: No

4.   Is the damaged component necessary for full functionality?

Answer: No

5.   Is the damaged component necessary for waste removal?

 Answer: Yes


20) Human, Homo sapiens

If you were to cut your fingernail too short or it was to get ripped off the fingernail would be able to regrow. There are three major parts that are needed for the nail to regrow: the matrix, cuticle, and lunula. The matrix is the root of the nail. It is constantly making new cells that scientists call nail stem cells (Young). These cells pack together and push up through the skin and die as they are pushed out into view (ÒHow Nails GrowÓ). The cuticle protects the matrix from germs. The lunula, which is the whitish, half-moon shape that you can see at the base of your fingernail, is part of the matrix (ÒHow Nails GrowÓ). The fingernail is continually being regenerated but is most prominent when the fingernail gets ripped off.

“How Nails Grow.” How Nails Grow. American Academy of Dermatology, 2014. Web. 25 Nov. 2014.

Young, Ed. “Finger Regeneration: Stem Cells In Fingernails May Be Key To Regrowing Limbs, Scientists Say.” The Huffington Post., 13 June 2013. Web. 25 Nov. 2014.