1. Is the fault in the components that perform any physical action?
Answer: No
2. Is the faulty component part of the mechanism’s body?
Answer: Yes
3. Is the faulty component in the structure of the mechanism?
Answer: Yes
4. Does the fault appear in components that provide rigidity to the mechanism?
Answer: No
5. Is the faulty component responsible for supporting other components?
Answer: Yes
6. Is the fault in critical components of the mechanism?
Answer: No
7. Is the system completely destroyed?
Answer: Yes
Path 2:
Path followed:
1. Is the fault in the components that perform any physical action?
Answer: No
2. Is the faulty component part of the mechanism’s body?
Answer: No
3. Is the faulty component in the fuel system?
Answer: No
4. Is the damaged component necessary for full functionality?
Answer: Yes
5. Is the damaged component comprised of multiple parts?
Answer: No
112) Star ascidian, Botryllus schlosseri
Star ascidians can be found in Atlantic Ocean down to the Mediterranean Sea (ÒStar AscidianÓ). These sea squirts are shaped like a star and live in colonies. Star ascidians have the ability of regenerating their entire body from a single blood vessel.
Star ascidians begin to regenerate their entire body once they have been injured. Inside the blood vessel are pluripotent blood cells that proliferate and form a bud (Rinkevich et al.). A blastula forms over the bud which holds the dividing cells and allows them to differentiate. The cells begin to elongate the bud allowing folds to invaginate and form gill slits which allow the animal to breathe. Next the cells would differentiate into 3 chambers creating the central pharyngeal and pair of atrial chambers in the center of the sea squirt (Rinkevich et al.). The blastula continues to proliferate the cells and have them differentiate into the internal organs of the sea squirt. The cells finally begin to produce outgrowths that will be the zooids (Ermak). In the zooids cells will differentiate into the vasculature system and the oral siphon which allows the animal to eat. Once all of the structures in the sea squirt have been regenerated the cells will stop proliferating.
“Star Ascidian.” Star Ascidian Videos, Photos, Fact Sheet. Wildscreen Arkive, 2014. Web. 2 Jan. 2015.
Rinkevich, Yuval, Guy Paz, Baruch Rinkevich, and Ram Reshef. “Systemic Bud Induction and Retinoic Acid Signaling Underlie Whole Body Regeneration in the Urochordate Botrylloides Leachi.” PloS Biology (2007): n. pag. PLoS Biology Journals. Web. 2 Jan. 2015.
Ermak, Thomas H. “Botryllus & Botrylloides.” Botryllus. Tunicarium Ascidian Microscopic Image Collection, 2011. Web. 2 Jan. 2015.
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