1. Is the fault in the components that perform any physical action?
Answer: Yes
2. Is the fault in components that move?
Answer: Yes
3. Is the fault in components that make the mechanism move?
Answer: No
4. Does the damaged component need to be replaced before deployment?
Answer: Yes
59) Cattle, Bos Taurus
Soon after the cow gives birth to a calf it will undergo a period called puerperium. This is the period in which the reproductive tissue is repaired and the ovaries function returns. After parturition oxytocin is still being produced to cause the myometrium to contract further. These contractions help discharge the placenta from the uterus, compress uterine vasculature to prevent hemorrhage, and help reduce the uterine size (Senger, p. 315-323). Next the uterus undergoes atrophy of its cells to decrease in size. Finally the maternal caruncles and epithelium are repaired. The maternal caruncles undergo vasoconstriction which causes necrosis of the tissue and sloughing of the mass (Senger, p. 315-323). The mass of caruncle is then repaired through differentiation of epithelial cells to create an endometrial epithelium layer over the caruncle (Senger, p. 315-323). The epithelium where the caruncle detached from undergoes repair as well by proliferating epithelial cells and creating a new epithelium.
Senger, P. L. Pathways to Pregnancy & Parturition. 3rd ed. Redmond: Current Conceptions, 2012. Print.
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