1. Is the fault in the components that perform any physical action?
Answer: Yes
2. Is the fault in components that move?
Answer: No
3. Is the fault in the mechanisms controls?
Answer: No
4. Does the faulty component responsible for visual data acquisition?
Answer: Yes
5. Is the faulty component only a part of the optics system?
Answer: Yes
6. Does the faulty component focus the sensory data?
Answer: Yes
7. Is the component only partially damaged?
Answer: No
44) Eastern (Red-spotted) newt, Notophthalmus viridescens
Eastern newts are commonly found on the eastern side of the United States near water sources or damp forests (ÒEastern/Red-spotted NewtÓ). These salamanders are nocturnal which means that their eyesight is very important to them. Eastern newts have the ability of regenerating their eye lens if it was to get damaged so they can continue to use their eyes.
Once the lens has been damaged the iris epithelial cells (IECs) under depigmentation and dedifferentiation (Wassmer et al.). These cells proliferate near the mid-dorsal margin of the iris epithelium and differentiate into the lens vesicle. As the cells continue to proliferate they are added to the outer portion of the lens vesicle which helps the lens vesicle expand. While this is happening lens fibers are elongating and differentiating in the inner posterior layer of the vesicle (Wassmer et al.). Next protein is signaled to form as crystalline in the lens and the lens fibers differentiate into primary and secondary layers of the lens (Wassmer et al.). To finish it off, the IECs differentiate into the lens capsule and the lens detaches from the iris (Wassmer et al.). Once the lens has been regenerated the cells will stop proliferating and differentiating into the various pieces of the lens.
“Eastern/Red-spotted Newt.” Eastern Red-spotted Newt. New Hampshire Fish and Game, 2014. Web. 7 Dec. 2014.
Wassmer, Sarah, Margaret Beddaoui, Payman Rajai, Rejean Munger, and Catherine Tsilfidis. “A Focus on the Optical Properties of the Regenerated Newt Lens.” PLoS ONE 8.8 (2013): E70845. PLoS ONE. Web. 7 Dec. 2014.
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